Thursday, September 25, 2008

Important Stuff!!!

If you live in Arizona (like I do) vote NO to Proposition 102!!!! If approved by Arizona voters, will amend the Arizona Constitution by adding the following article related to marriage:
“Marriage - Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.”
To learn more about this cause please visit If you live in Florida, like Mickey Mouse and J-Lo do, than you should definitely vote NO for Amendment 2, which like Arizona and California are seeking to write discrimination into the law. Here are 6 reasons very good reasons why you should vote NO for Amendment 2:
1. Taking Away Benefits: Amendment 2 could take away existing benefits from all unmarried Floridians

2. Hurting Seniors. Amendment 2 could force seniors to choose between important benefits like sharing health care and important government benefits.

3. "Gay Marriage" Bait & Switch: Amendment 2 claims to ban "gay marriage" but Florida already has multiple laws banning same-sex marriage

4. Massive Government Intrusion: Amendment 2 puts the government where it doesn't belong - regulating the personal relationships of Floridians.

5. Hiring Expensive Lawyers: Amendment 2 could force unmarried Floridians to hire expensive private lawyers just to protect their basic legal rights.

6. Dramatic Consequences: Amendment 2 could take away job benefits from university employees and be used as a defense to domestic violence - as in other states which passed similar amendments.

To learn more about this cause please visit Whatever your stance may be, please get registered to vote and on election day, take the time to help create history by voting against these discriminatory laws.

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