Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I'm moving into my own apartment tomorrow evening. This is going to be the first time I've ever lived truly alone. Not in a dorm, house, or apartment at school with my own room, not at my asshole parent's house with my own room; but alone in my own apartment. I'm not scared to live alone. I actually enjoy (and even prefer) being alone and I'm used to it especially since I'm an only child. Having that private space you can call 'your own' is wonderful. It's a privilege only few have. In other news, I'd really like an old-school (like, its actually old) hard-bound book of Shakespeare's Sonnets & Poems for my 24th birthday, which is in a little more than 23 days away. I cannot believe I am turning 24 to begin with. I feel, in a way, as if I'm so unaccomplished, but then again I know that I'm doing just fine. I'd also like tarot cards and a beginners book on how to use them. Or perhaps a nice gift certificate to Borders or Barnes & Nobles. Or both haha. A used book store would be such a cool place to find some old-school books by Shakespeare or Jane Austen or any of the other authors I'm fond of. There's something so wonderful and characteristic about used or old-school things. Certain things though. Knowing someone had it before you. Wondering what kind of experiences those people had with said object prior to you having it. Anyway, time for bed, I've got one hell of a day ahead of me tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Good luck during your move, and in your new life.

your friend,

Anonymous said...

Hey. I haven't had Internet access for a little bit, hence my relative lack of correspondence. Hope you've moved into your new place well and that it's all going smoothly. Good luck!

Lauren B. said...

Thanks, I'm actually moving today instead of yesterday because of course my brilliant parents don't know what overnighting something is, so the money-order they sent to the apartment complex I'm moving into, did not arrive yesterday. So, I've got to wait until today, if it gets there today, hopefully.