So, Peaches & I are all moved into our new apartment! We both really like it. It's nothing big, but its more than enough space for the two of us. I'll be taking pictures soon of the whole place, but for now you'll have to suffice to seeing just Peaches on our queen-sized bed :-)

Anywho, I just wanted to let everyone know that everything is going smoothly with the new apartment. I'm finally caught up with my school work and such. Now, I've got to secure myself a job. Wish me luck!
Good luck with the job hunt! Your apartment almost looks like a really nice hotel room! Congrats!
hahaha thanks! And the bed linens are mine and they're from a hotel collection lol. I'm feeling good about getting a job today.
Best wishes on your job search and I feel that you will not have any problem there as long as you want it. You will do fine, keep it simple, honest, remember to smile, and make them feel comfortable.
Take it from a type A taurus LOL
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