So today marks one year since I moved to Arizona. It's weird considering how everything ultimately worked out, but as they say, everything does happen for a reason. So I've recently moved out of Mesa (thank God) and over to Ahwatukee, which is a really nice family neighorhood only minutes away from where I used to live at with Chad. This is where I had ultimately wanted to live and I was able to get a fantastic deal on an incredible apartment. I have vaulted ceilings and a fireplace! Things I don't need but absolutely love haha.
I've been continually looking for employment and have been finding the need to have a resume finally, so I've been working on one. I'm considering taking a break from school next semester because I'm starting to get extremely burnt out. I've been in college for 6 years straight and I think it's time for a short break. We'll see how things work out.
In other news, I think I may be cutting my long porn star hair off for a more simple style (and I use the word 'simple' very loosely). I'm considering cutting it short again because its getting to be too much of a hassle and I think a change would do me good. Plus, it's only hair and it will grow back, plus it'll be much healthier if I cut it.
The first two pix are two that I've oogled over for the last 9 years hoping to be able to do my hair like that. The third & fourth pictures are more of a daily wear style, although I tend to do my hair up every day as it is, but shorter hair would cut the time down to a fraction of what it takes now. And, I also know many tricks of the trade whereas before when I was sporting a shorter doo, I didn't know what to do with it.

My appointment is on Tuesday @ noon. I'm seeing the same girl I've been seeing since New Years Eve and she has done a fantastic job everytime. She fully shares my vision, even though its nothing like her own, but that just goes to show how talented she is. So we'll see! Let me know what you all think please!!
Glad that you're happy in your new place! A fireplace in an apartment? How does that work? Is the chimney communal?
Personally, I think longer hair looks better on you, but I am far from the first person you should ask about visual style. One glance at my attire on a normal day will tell you that much. Haha!
I'm the only one in the building that has a fireplace. I got the upgraded apartment -- brand new black appliances, dark wood cabinets, granite countertops, new carpeting (thats a state law though), washer, dryer, tons of storage space, a generous sized balcony. I won't need to use the fireplace, but come winter, I'll definitely find time to use it because it does get cold.
As for my hair, I'm really leaning towards cutting it. I'm not the type to just cut a few inches off either, because I'd feel like its in that in between stage ya know. I'm gonna miss my long hair, but its only hair, and maybe this will give me a more mature look. We'll see.
Whats been going on with you? How's the new job and everything with Meg/Leigh/Jersey/etc?!
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