Forgive my short absence; I’ve been suffering from a very common thing known as “writer’s block”. I’ve got this list of ideas for my top-five though none of which have come to fruition. I’m not exactly sure why I can’t seem to pump out another humorous list of things but I’d bet that it’s probably because my current idea’s list sucks. Fortunately, the time has come where I was able to climb over writer’s block hurdle and win the race – or at least attempt to do so.
As most of you know, I’m currently studying to become a relationship therapist/marriage counselor (or whatever you’d like to call it) and in doing so I’m faced with many couples and their never-ending dilemmas on a constant basis. Most people would rather run for the hills than actually listen with a genuine concern and open mind. For me, this is my forte, it is who I am, and it is literally my calling. I have completely surrendered myself to helping others find harmony, balance, and true happiness within their relationships.
And let’s not forget to mention the surrendering of the first 30 years of my life, which includes 12 years of higher education, to make this calling a full blown reality. And this is not to say that I have surrendered my own happiness to help others, because having my own first, goes without saying.
As of recently, I’ve been dealing with many people who have what’s known as a “case of the ex” or have been severely scarred by a previous partner. Typically the scarred individuals are male, while the ones causing the grief are female. I encounter this not only in my professional life but also in my personal life, which can obviously throw me (or anyone else for that matter) for a loop.
It saddens me to learn of these women who are out there causing so harm to the few genuinely nice guys we have on this planet. It strikes a great deal of wondering, questioning, and the playing out of countless scenarios in my mind that I try to figure out just why these women think it’s okay to deceive? The next question that I ask is where do they learn this stuff from? Who tells them that it’s okay to treat men like shit? And more importantly, what is causing them to do all of this?
I was raised by a very hardworking single mother and she never really taught me exactly how to treat a man, but I watched how she treated the few men she dated, including my stepdad. One thing my mom always tells me is that I’m going to “make an amazing wife someday and an even better mother”. Well, we all know I despise children (that is, except for Peaches) so I won’t be fulfilling the latter part of her statement. But nowhere in there did I mention that she walked all over a guy, used him, abused him, and spit him out when she was finished with him.
A male friend of mine, whom shall remain nameless, suggests that it’s spun off from the whole women’s liberation movement. Sure, I love being a liberated modern woman – but you sure as hell won’t catch me burning my bras and not shaving my armpits. I never really thought about whole women’s lib thing until my friend put it into perspective – women just don’t know how to show appreciation.
People in general don’t know how to show appreciation, which is so sad. Think about it – you do something nice for someone, even if it’s merely opening the door for them or asking them how they are doing – and what kind of response do you usually get? Thank you. I’m a semi-traditional woman so I feel that words of gratitude go a very long way. I always say please and thank you, it’s seriously one of the easiest things a person can do to show appreciation – and think about how far saying thank you can go. It’s not rocket science people.
Part of why it’s so disturbing for me to learn about this is that it out-right ruins the chances for the few genuinely nice women out there. The women who will devote themselves to you, take care of you, and be truly appreciative of all that a man can do for them. The selfishness, carelessness, and downright lack of compassion of these demon women who trample the hearts of men cause so much scarring that it makes it nearly impossible for a man to ever trust another woman again.
Think about a time when someone hurt you so badly that you’ve carried it with you as time went by, even once the pain stopped, the constant thoughts of it disappeared, and the situation as a whole has virtually vanished into thin air – what is it that you do when those situations have resurfaced into the forefront? Why on earth would another person want to subject another human being to something like that? Why can’t these dumbass girls just be honest? Why can’t they think before they speak or act? More specifically, what are these girls so afraid of that’s causing them to be dishonest?
Another angle that I’ve used to examine this from is that of awareness. Most people I encounter seem to only be aware of surface-level things. People never seem to delve deeper beyond the shallow, meaningless things that consume our lives on the daily. It seems like that majority of these deceitful women all share two things in common – shallow awareness and selfishness. The low-level awareness causes a limited pool of thought. Meaning that because one can only be aware of surface level things, they do not have the ability to think outside of the box of their own little world (which does not include the emotions of others), which ultimately causes them to be selfish without even realizing it; yet another form of low-level awareness.
I’m not even going to limit this to just the women who aren’t aware of jack shit, I’m not going to be naïve to the fact that there are plenty of very intelligent women out there who are knowingly deceiving men and getting away with it; and are completely okay with knowing they are being evil bitches. Its one thing to know the power you possess over a man, but it’s another to use it in a negative way.
The reason why I’ve brought this up is because of the alarming number of incidents that I’ve been learning of. I’ve personally been the woman who has to suffer because of the scarring another woman has caused to a genuine guy. I’ve honestly dealt with this same scenario more than 10 times, which is really fucking pathetic. I wrote about this because I want people to become more aware of what it is that they do and say. Think before you fucking speak, and learn to think outside of the fucking box.
I am really tired of being the one who has to get hurt every time I meet a guy who I actually like just to learn that he’s been scarred by some dumb selfish bitch. It’s always the same story – right girl, wrong time. Maybe if people we’re more honest with each other we wouldn’t have to suffer so much. My mother taught me that honesty is the best policy – let’s take that and run with it.
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