Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Let me just start this by saying how absolutely ecstatic I am about Britney winning her first VMA this year! She not only won her first but her second and third moonmen as well! The one and only reason why I even bother watching the VMA's every year is see Britney in all her glory, even after last year's fiasco, and just see how she's doing. As a Britney fan since the beginning I have to say that it's fantastic to see her doing well these days. I'm looking forward to her come back. Doesn't she look so gorgeous, like the Britney we all used to love, in these pictures?! I know Paris Hilton made it a point to say how excited she was to see Britney this year and she was even able to present Britney with one of her awards! How exciting! And let's not forget the rest of her memorable performances and appearances at the VMA's! She never let's us down, even when things get crazy rough for her, she always comes back! It looks like she's done it yet again! Go Britney! :-D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could her hair had grown back that quickly, or was that a wig? I don't mean to insult her; I'm genuinely curious.

I didn't much care for the VMAs. I thin I wrote an entry about it, but suffice it to say, I didn't find them entertaining. I'm almost sorry that I watched!